Monday, December 31, 2007

Ouch Part II

Still hurtin' today. Maybe some stretching will help.

My trainer, Megan, said she would email me what I should do between my first and second visit with her. I haven't heard from her (and forgot to get her email). Not a good sign....but I am still sore so maybe I'll skip my visit. I can do the elliptical for a bit tomorrow instead.

Yesterday was a bad food day but I did eat a lot of spaghetti for dinner.


Ugh, I can barely lift my left arm over my head. I want to sit on the couch all day but going to the auto show.

First Post; Week 1, Day 1 (two days ago)

So I decided to get in shape for the first time since high school. Well, come to think of it, I wasn't much in shape after freshman year.

So instead of losing weight, I need to gain weight. I'm about 125-130 depending on who knows what. I plan on keeping track of my stats and maybe I'll post them here sometime.

I signed up with a local fitness center. I knew I wasn't going to know what the hell to do so I forked over money for a personal trainer. 16 visits over 16 weeks. By then, hopefully I'll be on cruise control for awhile after that.


Finally met with my trainer. Very nice but this is going to be tough. Worked out over an hour but we went slowly. Legs, back and biceps. She promises me I'll be sore tomorrow...I don't doubt it.

She wants me to eat something every three hours. Looks like I'll need to go to the grocery store much often.

I was exhausted afterwards but I went and got a real gym bag.